News in January 2022
News in January 2022

THE SEAPLANE ON FINAL APPROACH is one of Lit Hub’s “Most Anticipated Books of 2022.” Lit Hub Senior Editor Jessie Gaynor writes: “It sounds like a horny bottle episode of a novel that’s also a workplace comedy at the edge of the world. According to Tony Tulathimutte, ‘It’s like if Muriel Spark got seasick and dropped molly instead of dramamine.’ I’m extremely into it.” The novel is also one of Goodreads’ “Hot and Fresh: 60 Highly Anticipated Debut Novels.” Doubleday will publish the book on June 7, 2022.

Cleyvis Natera’s forthcoming NERUDA ON THE PARK, was named one of Lit Hub’s “Most Anticipated Books of 2022.” Lit Hub Editorial Fellow Snigdha Koirala writes: “Natera’s debut novel…is a tapestry of family, love, sacrifice, and loss.” The novel was also featured on Electric Literature’s “62 Books By Women of Color to Read in 2022.” Ballantine will publish the novel on May 17, 2022.

Samantha Hunt’s first work of nonfiction, THE UNWRITTEN BOOK, was named one of Lit Hub’s “Most Anticipated Books of 2022.” Lit Hub Book Marks Associate Editor Katie Yee writes: “Part literary criticism, part memoir, part family history, this new book explores the things that have a hold on us. I, for one, am ready to be haunted by Samantha Hunt once again.” The book also received a glowing review from Kirkus: “An award-winning fiction writer best known for her explorations of the macabre and the unreal, Hunt plumbs the depths of human experience in this assemblage of reflections on life’s sweet mystery…[with] engaging style, vulnerability, and earnest engagement…A vulnerable, wide-ranging, and at times deeply affecting patchwork of ruminations of the unknown.” Farrar, Straus, and Giroux will publish the book on April 5, 2022.

IN SENSORIUM by Tanaïs was named one of Lit Hub’s “Most Anticipated Books of 2022.” Lit Hub Associate Editor Vanessa Willoughby writes: “The power of scent, specifically its ability to preserve memories, cannot be overstated…Using their personal experiences and identity as an American Bangladeshi Muslim as a narrative framework, Tanaïs examines the role of fragrance in South Asian history. Tanaïs is also an independent perfumer and beauty designer, so I’m interested in seeing how they blend their industry knowledge with the vulnerability of memoir.” Harper will publish the book on February 22, 2022.

Sarah Manguso’s VERY COLD PEOPLE was named one of 2022’s most anticipated novels by Lit Hub and Goodreads. Lit Hub Audience Development Editor Eliza Smith writes: “Sarah Manguso’s debut novel—need I say more?... Manguso’s made a name for herself in nonfiction with her slim-yet-weighty lyrical books including THE GUARDIANS and 300 ARGUMENTS, and I can’t wait to see how her style translates to fiction.” Hogarth will publish the novel on February 8, 2022.

THE STARS ARE NOT YET BELLS by Hannah Lillith Assadi is one of Lit Hub’s “Most Anticipated Books of 2022.” Lit Hub Book Marks Editor in Chief Dan Sheehan writes: “National Book Foundation 5 Under 25 honoree Hannah Lillith Assadi’s wonderful first novel, Sonora, was one of the most beautifully wrought debuts of recent years, so I’m tremendously excited to read her sophomore effort.” The book was also selected by Zibby Owens for Good Morning America as a must-read title for January. Riverhead Books published the novel on January 11, 2022.

Stephen Marche’s THE NEXT CIVIL WAR published last week to a wave of media attention. The book received praise from CBS: “Relevant and revelatory, THE NEXT CIVIL WAR plainly breaks down the looming threats to America and is a must-read for anyone concerned about the future of its people, its land, and its government.” Marche appeared on MSNBC to discuss the book and America’s current divided political landscape, and also sat down for an interview with Washingtonian for a Q&A about American politics. Simon & Schuster published the book on January 4, 2022.

THE MARGOT AFFAIR author Sanaë Lemoine was selected as a recipient of the National Endowment for the Arts 2022 Creative Writing Fellowship for Prose. Grants are awarded to “published creative writers that enable the recipients to set aside time for writing, research, travel, and general career advancement,” and recipients are selected anonymously by the advisory panelists based on the “artistic excellence and artistic merit” of the sample work submitted for the fellowship. Hogarth published THE MARGOT AFFAIR on June 16, 2020.

Daniel Loedel’s debut novel HADES, ARGENTINA was featured in a piece in The Atlantic by Colin Dickey entitled “Eight Ghost Stories in Which the Dead Won’t Go Quietly,” alongside the works of Edith Wharton, Louise Erdrich, and others “in which characters are confronted by unresolved pain that erupts into the present in sometimes frightening but illuminating ways.” Dickey writes: “In Loedel’s novel, ghosts are a language for this open wound, a way to narrate death and loss in the absence of any kind of record.” Riverhead Books published HADES, ARGENTINA in hardcover on January 12, 2021 and in paperback on January 11, 2022.

THE PROPHETS by Robert Jones Jr. continues to be lauded as one of the best books of 2021. The novel has been named one of NPR’s “Best Romance Novels of 2021” and one of NBC’s “10 Most Notable LGBTQ+ Books of 2021,” and was featured on year-end best-of lists from Lit Hub, Parade, The Stacks Podcast, and many more. G. P. Putnam’s Sons published the novel on January 5, 2021.

Gabriela Garcia’s instant bestseller OF WOMEN AND SALT launched in paperback this week to further critical acclaim. The New York Times featured it on its “New in Paperback” column, alongside a segment from Danielle Evan’s review earlier last year that celebrates the novel for centering on “the politics of what it takes to navigate the world as women — how women learn to accept brutality, how they escape it and when they learn to use it themselves.” Garcia joined Olivia Fierro on the Good Morning Arizona book club podcast, where she discussed her work as an immigrants’ rights advocate and its influence on her novel. Good Morning America, which previously selected OF WOMEN AND SALT as its April 2021 Book of the Month, sponsored an Instagram paperback giveaway on January 6. Finally, HipLatina included OF WOMEN AND SALT in its roundup of the best books by Latina authors of 2021, describing the novel as a “poignant story about topics that deeply align with the Latinx experience in America, including immigration, addiction and family relationships, that span generations, all while highlighting the weight of motherhood.” Flatiron Books published the hardcover edition on March 30, 2021, and the paperback edition on January 4, 2022.

Charles Cumming’s BOX 88, the first book in his new Lachlan Kite series, has received starred reviews from Booklist (“[A] compelling thriller…threading coming-of-age themes into a complex espionage plot …that suggests there will be much more to discover within the recesses of BOX 88”), Kirkus (“The plot…is intricate but coherent, taking readers down a chilling road of recent history, vividly depicted. The result is a believable plot undergirded by complex characters and profound questions. The gold standard in espionage fiction”), and Publishers Weekly (“Well-timed action scenes match focused glimpses into the world of spycraft. This outing cements Cumming’s place in the top rank of espionage writers”). The book has also been named one of Parade’s most anticipated reads for 2022. Mysterious Press will publish BOX 88 on January 11, 2022.