News in January 2022
News in January 2022

THE FINAL REVIVAL OF OPAL & NEV by Dawnie Walton audiobook was selected for the ALA RUSA Listen List. The committee considered 284 titles and produced a list of 12 winners that "highlight extraordinary narrators and listening experiences that merit special attention by a general adult audience and the librarians who advise them." THE FINAL REVIVAL OF OPAL & NEV was also featured on NPR’s Pop Culture Happy Hour “Books We Love.” 37 Ink published the novel on March 30, 2021.

GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM by Wajahat Ali published this week to positive media attention. NPR reviewed the book, writing: "Ali doesn't pull any punches when expressing his righteous anger against things like the moderate Muslim trope, mass incarceration, systemic racism, socio-economic inequality, and more. Scathing political commentary about both Republicans and Democrats is supported with requisite data and historical facts. He leavens and seasons all of that skillfully with comedy, popular cultural references from the U.S. and Pakistan, and a deeply warm affection for the family and friends who've always been there for him.” Ali was also interviewed by Jean Guerrero for The Los Angeles Times, who praises the book as “funny and heart-wrenching…Ali’s tale is a hopeful one. It is also a love letter to America, despite many of its citizens giving him the send-off in his title…In the end, Ali’s book is about the power of storytelling to reroute history.” W.W. Norton & Company published the book on January 25, 2022.

THE WORLD CANNOT GIVE by Tara Isabella Burton is a Harper’s Bazaar “Best, Buzziest New Book of 2022” (“a vortex of dark academia and queer desire”), a most-anticipated book for The Millions (“THE SECRET HISTORY meets FIGHT CLUB, sort of, but younger, more feminine, more queer”), and a most-anticipated crime fiction title for CrimeReads (“Burton’s second novel is just as deliciously involving as her debut SOCIAL CREATURE, but makes rather better use of her doctorate in theology and ongoing religious scholarship.... It’s a book about the nature of and limits of fervor, religious, sexual, and otherwise, and a spellbinding coming of age story that—despite being set in the Instagram-laden present—feels somehow plucked out of time”). Simon & Schuster will publish the book on March 8, 2022.

THE DAWN OF EVERYTHING by David Graeber and David Wengrow received an enthusiastic review from ArtForum. Simon Wu writes: "The premise is exhilarating, and its implications are only beginning to be considered…[Y]ou get the sense that a political consciousness is an artistic consciousness. This view enables us to look at works of art with renewed optimism, as little windows into alternative ways of living rather than 'artificial hells’…At a moment when so many artists, curators, and academics are eager to ‘decenter the human’ in their work, THE DAWN OF EVERYTHING invites us to do the (much harder) job of reframing the braided questions of what humankind was, is, and could be." Farrar, Straus and Giroux published the book on November 9, 2021.

BORN READY by Jodie Patterson is a Notable Book for a Global Society 2022 winner. Titles were selected for “reflect[ing] diversity in the broadest sense, celebrating a variety of voices and topics.” Crown Books for Young Readers published the book on April 20, 2021.

CROSSING THE LINE by Kareem Rosser is a winner of the ALA's 2022 Alex Award, “given to books written for adults that have special appeal to young adults, ages 12 through 18.” St. Martin’s Press published the hardcover edition on February 9, 2021, and will publish the paperback edition on February 1, 2022.

GOD: AN ANATOMY by Francesca Stavrakopoulou published this week to critical acclaim. Karen Armstrong reviewed the book for The New York Times, praising it as a “a long, detailed and scrupulously researched book….[that is] packed with knowledge and insight.” Meanwhile, Publishers Weekly awarded the book a starred review, raving: “Biblical scholar Stavrakopoulou convincingly argues for understanding the Christian God as an embodied being in this fascinating comparative mythology...Stavrakopoulou writes with the fluidity of a seasoned storyteller, using ample footnotes, but never getting weighed down by academic jargon. This is a provocative tour de force.” Knopf published the book on January 25, 2022.

Hannah Lillith Assadi's latest novel THE STARS ARE NOT YET BELLS was featured in The New Yorker's Briefly Noted segment. Riverhead Books published the novel on January 11, 2022.

Lucy Corin's novel THE SWANK HOTEL was featured in The New Yorker's Briefly Noted segment. They call the book a “hypnotic, antic novel,” praising the way Corin “conveys a sense that insanity is everywhere.” Graywolf Press published the book on October 5, 2021.

INVISIBLE, the latest novel by Danielle Steel, will make its debut on The New York Times Bestseller list for the week of January 23, 2022. It will debut at number 1 on the Hardcover Fiction list and number 4 on the Combined Print & E-book Fiction list. Delacorte Press published the book on January 4, 2022.

OF WOMEN AND SALT by Gabriela Garcia was NPR’s Book of the Day on January 18. In her conversation with NPR correspondent Sarah McCammon on NPR’s Book of the Day podcast, Garcia discussed the use of the phrase “We are force” throughout her novel, “thinking about all of the multitudes within women – how they’re more than just immigrants or mothers or any of these other labels that are sort of imposed on them.” Flatiron Books published the novel in hardcover on March 30, 2021 and in paperback on January 4, 2022.

BookRiot featured THE HOW by Yrsa Daley-Ward on their list of “10 Short, Fast-Paced Books to Kickstart Your Yearly Reading Goal.” They write: “This short book by poet and writer Yrsa Daley-Ward has beautiful writing and useful exercises to bring your best self in 2022. Through a combination of lyrical prose and poetry, Daley-Ward encourages readers to peel back the layers we’ve built up based on societal expectations and get to know the real, unique, hidden person beneath. Although this is difficult work, Daley-Ward’s beautiful writing shows how important and inspiring it can be as well.” THE HOW was published in the US by Penguin Books on November 2, 2021 and in the UK by Penguin Press on November 11, 2021.