

SOCIOPATH by Patric Gagne is #12 on The New York Times Audio Monthly Bestsellers list for the month of May 2024. Simon & Schuster published the book on April 2, 2024.

WESTPORT by James Comey received 5 stars on the Daily Telegraph’s list of “The 20 best new crime thrillers to read this summer.” Terry Ramsey writes: “[WESTPORT] drips with authenticity (which you might expect) and quality writing (which you might not). A gripping read.” Mysterious Press published WESTPORT on May 21, 2024.

ROAD TO RUIN by Hana Lee is having a celebratory launch this month. Described as an “electrifying tale that proves impossible to put down” by New York Times bestselling author Thea Guanzon, the novel is on readers’ radars for the summer. Paste Magazine has included the book on their list of “9 Must Read New Books by AANHPI Women to Add to Your Summer Reading List,” citing it a “perfect read to celebrate the [AANHPI] month.” Saga Press published ROAD TO RUIN on May 14, 2024.

Acclaimed biographer and longtime Los Angeles Times music critic Robert Hilburn’s book, A FEW WORDS IN DEFENSE OF OUR COUNTRY, promises to deliver the definitive biography of the great Randy Newman. The publisher’s blurb reads: “As thought-provoking and thorough as it is tender, this book is an overdue tribute to the legendary songwriter whose music has long reflected and challenged the America we know today.” Hachette will publish the book on October 22, 2024.

WIVES LIKE US, Plum Sykes’ new novel, is praised on Parade’s list of “The 25 Best New Book Releases” for the week of May 14 – 20 as “wickedly funny,” and Vogue’s “The Best Books of 2024 So Far” as a “delectable delightful mash-up: a loving portrait of a social milieu that recognizes the value of tradition but is also perpetually chasing what’s new.” The book was also featured in Town & Country, where Adam Rathe writes: “In WIVES, Sykes follows the dramatic lives of group of women (as well as their families and staff) who live among a series of villages—Little Bottom, Middle Bottom, Great Bottom, and Monkton Bottom—and keeps a sharp eye trained on the way each sees her social stock rise and fall. It’s certainly a work of fiction (and it’s more of a love letter to the world than anything else), but parts of it did come from the author’s own experiences.” Harper published WIVES LIKE US on May 14, 2024.

Jayne Anne Phillips’ NIGHT WATCH is the 2024 Pulitzer Prize Winner in Fiction. The write-up for the award reads: “A beautifully rendered novel set in West Virginia’s Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in the aftermath of the Civil War where a severely wounded Union veteran, a 12-year-old girl and her mother, long abused by a Confederate soldier, struggle to heal… Epic, enthralling, and meticulously crafted, NIGHT WATCH is a stunning chronicle of surviving war and its aftermath.” Knopf published the novel on September 19, 2023.

Ed Park's SAME BED DIFFERENT DREAMS was honored as a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in Fiction. The write-up for the nomination reads: “An inventive postmodern novel that moves from brutal Japanese occupation of the Korean Peninsula to a lonely Korean American boy’s passion for the Buffalo Sabres, interlinked narratives that jump historical and imaginary time zones with humor, sorrow and irreverence….From the acclaimed author of PERSONAL DAYS, SAME BED DIFFERENT DREAMS is a raucously funny feat of imagination and a thrilling meld of history and fiction that pulls readers into another dimension—one in which utopia is possible.” Random House published the book on November 7, 2023.

Danielle Steel’s latest novel, ONLY THE BRAVE, debuted on The New York Times Bestsellers list for the week of May 19, 2024, appearing at #4 on the Print Hardcover Fiction list and #5 on the Combined Print & E-Book Fiction list. Delacorte Press published the novel on April 30, 2024.

Rachel Khong’s REAL AMERICANS debuted at #9 on The New York Times Bestseller list for Print Hardcover Fiction. Knopf published the book on April 30, 2024.

The New York Times bestselling author Plum Sykes’ WIVES LIKE US is receiving fantastic press in the lead up to its publication next week. The Daily Mail writes: “Author and Vogue writer Plum Sykes is reportedly causing a major stir with her new novel set in the Cotswolds, as locals try to guess who the main characters are based on… According [the Time], the Cotswolds' setting of the novel is 'certainly of the moment', as fascination with the area has increased in recent years.” Sykes appeared on The Run-Through with Vogue Podcast to talk about the book, as well as “her most hilarious Met Gala memories, beginning in the ‘90s when she first arrived on the scene at American Vogue.” Lastly, Tatler published a piece by Sykes about the book, with the headline: “As Plum Sykes’ new novel sets tongues wagging, she exposes the trials and tribulations of the super-rich country set in Tatler.” Harper will publish WIVES LIKE US on May 14, 2024.