

Plum Sykes’ WIVES LIKE US received a fantastic, extensive write-up by the BBC. Clare Thorp writes: “[Sykes] needed another glamorous, gossipy, cut-throat world to write about – and she found it on her doorstep in the English countryside…WIVES LIKE US is a satirical comedy of manners about a group of super-rich women living in the Cotswolds, an area that's having a bit of a moment in pop culture.” Harper published the book on May 14, 2024.

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Ted Chiang, author of collections EXHALATION and STORIES OF YOUR LIFE AND OTHERS, won the PEN/Malamud Award for Excellence in the Short Story. The award “recognizes writers who have demonstrated exceptional achievement in the short story form,” and is “is one of the nation’s most significant literary prizes for the form.” PEN/Malamud Award Committee Chair Jung Yun says: “Ted Chiang’s stories are an absolute wonder to behold…Not only do they demonstrate his exceptionally high standards for creativity and construction, they also invite readers to think, imagine, and explore unique worlds beyond their own. Whether set in an alternate version of the past, or one possible version of the future, his work prompts important questions that are deeply relevant to how we live today. In doing so, Chiang exemplifies Bernard Malamud’s belief that a short story can produce ‘the surprise and effect of a profound knowledge in a short time.’” Chiang will be honored at the PEN/Malamud Award Ceremony on December 6, 2024. Knopf published EXHALATION on May 7, 2019.

NATURAL BEAUTY by Ling Ling Huang is the winner of the 2024 Lambda Award in Bisexual Fiction. The Lambda Awards celebrate authors “for their outstanding contributions to the queer literary landscape.” Dutton published the book on April 4, 2023.

Katherine Arden’s picture-book debut, THE STRANGEST FISH, received a starred review from Kirkus. The review praises: “Arden’s lyrical, conversational text emphasizes the strong bond between Daisy and her new pet despite their limited time together; she makes clear that caring for another living being can alter us forever…A deeply empathetic look at the magic of love and compassion.” Astra Young Readers will publish the book on September 3, 2024.

Kailee Pedersen’s upcoming debut novel SACRIFICIAL ANIMALS received a starred review from Library Journal. Reviewer Becky Spratford raves: “Readers will follow…as the foreboding details build, knowing full well that the tightly coiled tension will eventually explode; when it does, they will be left gasping in awe… Pedersen’s debut skillfully balances character and atmosphere. Recommend to readers who like creepy, methodically paced stories that focus on unease.” Meanwhile, a review from Publisher’s Weekly praises: “[A] grisly, literary horror that isn’t afraid to show its teeth. Pedersen is sure to win fans.” St. Martin’s Press will publish the book on August 20, 2024.

CHASING HOPE by Nicholas Kristof has received incredible praise surrounding its publication this month. A review from Publisher’s Weekly calls it an “impassioned memoir,” adding: “Kristof’s powerful reportage makes for a gripping look at both the craft of journalism and the humanitarian disasters he’s witnessed.” The book has been lauded in blurbs by various writers, including journalist Ann Curry, who praises as “delightful,” “inspiring,” “illuminating,” and “at times, hilarious.” Meanwhile, Katie Couric says that Kristof is “a journalistic exemplar, practicing the art of storytelling in its purest form,” and that CHASING HOPE “should be required reading for anyone interested in journalism, or for those who need to be reminded that, in the right hands, it can be a truly noble profession." Knopf published the book on May 14, 2024.

Bestselling author Austin Grossman’s new novel, FIGHT ME, received a fantastic review from Michael Joseph of the Bookbeard, who writes: “Whoever blurbed this book THE BREAKFAST CLUB meets the X-MEN nailed it. As Gen-X a book as they come, it’s an angst ridden, coming-of-age sci-fi, superhero mash up that’s as meandering as it is captivating. Smart, funny and heartfelt, FIGHT ME is an intriguing read… Fantastically crafted, capturing the spirit and mentality of Gen X with all the sarcasm and angst it brings, FIGHT ME is a wonderful, action packed superhero sci-fi adventure. Funny, fierce and engaging, it’s an amazing journey through a strange world full of very real humans (who are also super human). Truly exceptional.” Grossman will participate in the #YeahYouWrite Reading Series on June 3 at the Someday Bar in Brooklyn, alongside writers Abraham Chang, P. Djèlí Clark, and Carol LaHines. Michael Joseph published FIGHT ME on May 23, 2024.

REBEL GIRL by Kathleen Hanna debuted on The New York Times Bestseller list for the week of June 2, 2024, appearing at #5 on the Hardcover Nonfiction List and #7 on the Combined Print & E-Book Nonfiction List. Ecco published the book on May 14, 2024.

PALAZZO by Danielle Steel is #1 on The New York Times Mass Market Bestseller list for the month of May 2024. Delacorte Press published the hardcover edition on June 27, 2023, and Dell published the paperback on March 26, 2024.