News in October 2022
News in October 2022

THE FURROWS by Namwali Serpell continues to receive stellar media attention. Serpell was featured on the cover of Publishers Weekly’s October issue, and THE FURROWS was selected as one of Publishers Weekly’s top 10 books of 2022. THE FURROWS and THE OLD DRIFT were jointly selected as NPR’s “Book of the Day” on October 14, and Serpell was interviewed by NPR’s Scott Simon and Juana Summers. Serpell was also interviewed by CBC Radio and Electric Literature, the latter of which praises Serpell’s prose as “[having] a cutting nature to it, sharp and to the point, allowing you to truly feel these characters and their voices.” Lastly, Serpell appeared on LARB’s Radio Hour, where the accompanying blurb praises THE FURROWS as a work that “defies narrative conventions and readerly expectations.” Hogarth published the novel on September 27, 2022.

AN IMMENSE WORLD by Ed Yong is one of Publishers Weekly’s top 10 books of 2022. Random House published the book on June 21, 2022.

THE FINAL REVIVAL OF OPAL & NEV by Dawnie Walton is the winner of the Mark Twain American Voice in Literature Award 2022. The award will be presented at The Mark Twain American Voice in Literature Celebration Dinner at the Mark Twain Museum Center on November 4. 37 Ink published the novel on March 31, 2021.

Judas 62, the second book in the Box 88 series by Charles Cumming, received a starred review from Publishers Weekly. They praise the book as a “tour de force of tradecraft and suspense,” adding: “Cumming does a superb job creating portraits of people, eras, and places. This powerful spy thriller should win the talented author new fans.” Mysterious Bookshop will publish the book on December 6, 2022.

Rachel Aviv’s STRANGERS TO OURSELVES was featured on Wired’s “Picks for the 15 Books You Need to Read This Fall.” They write: “STRANGERS TO OURSELVES is occasionally maddening but always thoughtful, and anyone with even a passing interest in mental health, identity politics, the healthcare system, or philosophy of the mind will be riveted.” Farrar, Straus and Giroux published the book on September 13, 2022.

De’Shawn Charles Winslow’s sophomore novel DECENT PEOPLE received a glowing review from Publishers Weekly. They write: “There are a trove of surprises along the way to the [novel’s] well-earned resolution, and Winslow entrances readers with strong characters, impeccable prose, and brisk pacing. As a character-driven mystery, it delivers the goods.” Bloomsbury Publishing will publish the novel on January 17, 2023.

James Spooner’s THE HIGH DESERT is one of Publishers Weekly’s “Best Books of 2022,” in the Comics category. Harper published the book on May 17, 2022.

New York City Children’s Theater produced THE ADVENTURE OF HONEY AND LEON: THE MUSICAL, which ran between October 8 - October 23. The musical “celebrates and explores diverse family structures, the joy and struggles of sibling relationships, and self-empowerment.” Random House Books for Young Readers published THE ADVENTURES OF HONEY AND LEON on September 12, 2017.

Danielle Steel’s latest novel, THE HIGH NOTES, made its debut on The New York Times Bestsellers list for the week of October 30, 2022, appearing at #8 on Print Hardcover Fiction and #10 on Combined Print & E-Book Fiction. Delacorte Press published the book on October 11, 2022.

DISTANT THUNDER, the 63rd book in the Stone Barrington series by Stuart Woods, made its debut on The New York Times Bestsellers list for the week of October 30, 2022, appearing at #13 on Print Hardcover Fiction and #11 on Combined Print & E-Book Fiction. G.P. Putnam’s Sons published the book on October 11, 2022.

REST IS RESISTANCE by Tricia Hersey is a New York Times Bestseller, appearing at #4 on the Advice, How-to and Miscellaneous list. Little, Brown Spark published the book on October 11, 2022.

DECENT PEOPLE by De’Shawn Charles Winslow was featured on South Magazine’s Fall/Winter Reading List 2022-23. Bloomsbury Publishing will publish the novel on January 17, 2023.