News in May 2020
News in May 2020

Anand Giridharadas, author of WINNERS TAKE ALL, has his own show on Vice TV called "A Seat at the Table." So far, his guests have included Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Hasan Minhaj, Anthony Scaramucci, and Stacey Abrams. Knofp published WINNERS TAKE ALL on August 28, 2018.

Peter Marks, theatre critic for the Washington Post, is surviving theatre deprivation by reading Andrew McConnell Scott’s WHAT BLEST GENIUS. Marks writes: “Stott, an English professor at the University of Southern California, takes us to Shakespeare’s birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon, in 1769, where the celebrated actor David Garrick staged a lavish multiday publicity event to fete the playwright who made him famous. The whole thing was a bit of debacle, as Stott’s witty account reveals. But it was also the turning point for the world’s wholehearted embrace of theater’s greatest writer.” W.W. Norton & Company published the book on April 2, 2019.

Tara Isabella Burton published an Op-Ed for the New York Times titled “Christianity Gets Weird.” In it, she writes: “More and more young Christians, disillusioned by the political binaries, economic uncertainties and spiritual emptiness . . . are finding solace in a decidedly anti-modern vision of faith . . . What we have in common is that we see a return to old-school forms of worship as a way of escaping from the crisis of modernity and the liberal-capitalist faith in individualism.” PublicAffairs will publish Burton’s forthcoming book, STRANGE RITES, on June 16, 2020.

The Guardian interviewed Rutger Bregman about his forthcoming book, HUMANKIND, “a sweeping survey of human existence which argues that, despite all our obvious flaws, most people are basically good.” The Guardian also published an excerpt from HUMANKIND. Little, Brown, and Company will publish the book on June 2, 2020.

Kate Zambreno’s forthcoming novel DRIFTS has already received enthusiastic praise. BookPage says the novel is “full of brilliant critical observations and realistic depictions of the dramas in a modern artist’s daily life,” while The New Republic calls it “unexpectedly relatable” and a “portrayal of stasis, indecision, and the difficulty of living in a civilization that seems to have passed its expiration date.” Riverhead Books published the book on May 19, 2020.

Max Barry’s Providence received a glowing review from Book and Film Globe. They write: “[H]idden [within the novel] are the deeper questions of free will, and how much agency any human being is going to have in an age of machines that think faster than we do. In all his books, Barry examines how our creations–corporations, language, machines, and software–rebuild us after we’ve built them.” Additionally, the audio edition of PROVIDENCE was selected as an April Must-Listen book by Apple Books. G.P. Putnam’s Sons published the book on March 31, 2020.

Fishman and Greenberg’s THE OCEAN IN YOUR BATHTUB was featured on the Summer 2020 Kids’ Indie Next List. Greenwillow Books will publish the book on May 19, 2020.

The New York Times Book Review named QUOTIENTS by Tracy O’Neill a “New & Noteworthy” book of interest, calling it a “stylish, impressive novel.” Soho Press published the book on May 12, 2020.

Parade has named Elite Daily Senior Dating Editor Hannah Orenstein’s HEAD OVER HEELS as one of their 30 Best Beach Reads of 2020. Atria Books will publish the book on June 23, 2020.

Jessica Pearce Rotondi’s WHAT WE INHERIT received an excellent review from The Boston Globe. They write: “Rotondi deftly moves between the personal and the historical,” and call the book “a sensitive and searching examination of the ways loss and trauma live on through generations.” Unnamed Press published the book on April 21, 2020.

Mary Pauline Lowry’s THE ROXY LETTERS received a fantastic review from PureWow last week. They praise the novel as a “worthwhile escapist read,” commending its “highly memorable cast of characters” and “fast-paced, laugh-out-loud scenes.” Simon & Schuster published the book on April 7, 2020.

THE PROPHETS by Robert Jones, Jr. has been named a BookExpo 2020 Adult Buzz finalist. G.P. Putnam’s Sons will publish the book on January 5, 2021.