News in July 2019
News in July 2019

Stephen King tweeted the following about Anna Pitoniak’s debut thriller NECESSARY PEOPLE: “That book-blurb saying ‘I couldn't put it down’ is usually bullshit, right? For me it was true of Anna Pitoniak's NECESSARY PEOPLE. I literally couldn't stop reading. Murder, ambition, toxic friendship. What's not to like?” Little, Brown and Company published the book on May 21, 2019.

Anne Boyer’s memoir was featured by Lit Hub in their list of “Most Anticipated Books of 2019, Part 2.” Farrar, Straus and Giroux will publish the book on September 17, 2019.

Pico Iyer’s second release of 2019 was featured by Lit Hub in their list of “Most Anticipated Books of 2019, Part 2.” Knopf will publish the book on September 3, 2019.

Jessica Francis Kane debut novel RULES FOR VISITING was named by O Magazine as one of “The Best Books by Women of Summer 2019.” Kane also wrote a piece in Slate where she tried to live by the “Rules for Visiting” that are featured in her novel. Penguin Press published the book on May 14, 2019.