News in April 2019
News in April 2019

Astra Taylor was interviewed in the Guardian about her documentary WHAT IS DEMOCRACY and her forthcoming book DEMOCRACY MAY NOT EXIST, BUT WE’LL MISS IT WHEN IT’S GONE. Metropolitan Books will publish the book on May 7, 2019.

Stephen King tweeted his praise about the long-awaited new novel by Thomas Harris, writing: “He’s as good as ever. Reading his prose is like running a slow hand down cold silk.” Grand Central Publishing will publish the book on May 21, 2019.

Kirkus awarded De’Shawn Charles Winslow’s debut novel IN WEST MILLS a starred review, writing: “This tender, exuberant, and impressively crafted debut novel spans decades of family upheaval and painful secrets in telling the story of a freethinking black woman in a tightly knit Carolina community.” IN WEST MILLS is also a Los Angeles Times selected for “7 highly anticipated debut novels to check out this spring.” Bloomsbury will publish the book on June 4, 2019.

An excerpt from the latest novel by Ann Beattie was posted on Literary Hub. Viking published the book on April 2, 2019.

Andrea Lawlor was interviewed in the Guardian about their debut book, PAUL TAKES THE FORM OF A MORTAL GIRL. The interviewer Alex Needham calls the book “Playful and sexy,” and says “Lawlor’s novel is a hymn to the pleasures of gender fluidity – but also a tribute to queer theory, LGBT communities and to reading itself.” Vintage will reissue the book on April 23, 2019.

Katherine Arden has been nominated for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer. She joins a shortlist of five other writers whose first professional work of science fiction or fantasy was published the last two years. The winner will be presented August 2019 in Dublin at the annual Hugo Awards. Del Rey Books published the book on January 18, 2017.

Vulture has named Ted Chiang’s upcoming story collection EXHALATION one of its most anticipated fiction books of the spring: “Each of [Chiang’s] devastating stories mines little pieces of humanity from unexpected points of view.” Vintage will publish the book on May 7, 2019.

Publishers Weekly in its review of HONEY AND LEON TAKE THE HIGH ROAD notes, “Shaffer’s watercolors have the unbridled optimism of travel posters and fashion illustrations: a scene of London at night is washed in gossamer blues and greens, Edinburgh is portrayed as a nonstop pink-hued carnival, and everyone is balletically long limbed and interestingly dressed. An effervescent offering.” Random House Books for Young Readers will publish the book on April 30, 2019.

Charles Cumming’s spy thriller, The Moroccan Girl, received a starred review from Booklist and was a Best of February pick for Amazon. St. Martin's Press published the book on February 12, 2019.

Whiting Award winner and Judith E. Wilson fellow of poetry at Cambridge Anne Boyer’s THE UNDYING, a lyrical meditation on getting sick in the age of big data, was excerpted in the New Yorker on April 15. Farrar, Straus & Giroux will publish the book on September 17, 2019.

Michele Filgate’s anthology, featuring essays by Kiese Laymon, Andre Aciman, Leslie Jamison, Carmen Maria Machado, and more, has received starred advance reviews from Booklist, Kirkus, and Library Journal. "These essays, each one exceptional on its own, encompass both love and writing at their most vulnerable, and could power entire cities with their electricity,” Booklist writes; Library Journal praises them as “stories to be savored,” and Kirkus calls the collection “moving Mother’s Day reading for the fearless and brave.” Simon & Schuster will publish the book on April 30, 2019.

Rutger Bregman’s UTOPIA FOR REALISTS hit the New York Times best seller list two years after its initial US publication, following Bregman’s viral speech at the World Economic Forum, his contentious interview with Tucker Carlson, and appearances on The Daily Show, The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell, and MSNBC. Little, Brown published the book on March 14, 2017