News in October 2017
News in October 2017

The fall out between Jann Wenner & Joe Hagan his biographer in advance of the anticipated biography has received coverage in the New York Times, the New York Post and the Washington Post which also reviews the book and says “The Age of Aquarius has long passed, and Rolling Stone is no longer revolutionary — or nearly as relevant as in its heyday. But Hagan not only helps us understand how terribly much it seemed to matter, once upon a time.

Yrsa Daley-Ward and her poetry collection bone was recently featured in Elle UK, Bustle, and PBS News Hour, where Yrsa read the title poem. Penguin Books published bone on September 26, 2017.

Maria Alyokhina’s of Pussy Riot’s memoir was reviewed in the New York Times Book Review which says “Alyokhina’s eye for surreal detail gives Riot Days a welcome does of dark humor.… Through the chinks in the abusive system, Alyokhina glimpses human beings.” Henry Holt published the book on September 26, 2017.

Samantha Silva’s debut novel was named one of the 20 Indie Next Great Reads on the Indie Next List Great Read for November 2017. The reviewer says “Full of fantastic period detail and delightful prose, Mr. Dickens and His Carol is a wonderful companion to the enduring holiday classic A Christmas Carol.” Flatiron Books published the book on October 31, 2017.

Anne Fadiman’s memoir was named one of the 20 Indie Next Great Reads on the Indie Next List Great Read for November 2017. The reviewer says “This is a book about family and how the differences between us can be one of the many things that actually draw us together.” Farrar Straus & Giroux will publish the book on November 7, 2017.
Lauren Groff reviewed FRESH COMPLAINT in the New York Times Book Review. She says: “Eugenides has always been a sharp and exacting writer, and nearly every one of the stories in this collection is teachable, a model of its own kind of Swiss-clock craftsmanship.”

From founding the company in New York in 1968, he went on to change the face of fashion, bringing his visionary minimalism to the fore and defining looks for generations. This magnificent survey is the first and only book that Klein has written and compiled himself and is illustrated with era-defining photographs by the most distinguished names in fashion photography, from Irving Penn and Richard Avedon to Bruce Weber, and Patrick Demarchelier—among others. Rizzoli will publish the gorgeous hardcover edition October 17, 2017.

Rachel Khong’s GOODBYE, VITAMIN was included in this roundup at The New Yorker, which praises the novel’s “beautiful quotidian details… [and] magical, visual approach.” Henry Holt published GOODBYE, VITAMIN on July 11, 2017.

Yrsa Daley-Ward’s poetry collection bone has been included in a number of roundups, including Signature Reads’ 12 Essential Books Celebrating Women Writers of the African Diaspora and Shondaland’s Poetry Collections That Will Teach You To Love Poetry. Yrsa Daley-Ward’s bone is included in a Signature Reads article on understanding politics through poetry. Tobias Carroll praises Yrsa’s “powerful narrative energy” and “precision with language.” Penguin Books published September 26, 2017.

Kirkus has reviewed DON’T COSPLAY WITH MY HEART, saying, “this authentically geeky and feminist romance nails the con scene.” Scholastic will publish the book January 2, 2018.

Cory Doctorow has reviewed this picture book on boingboing, calling it “a delight of a science book, a marvel of a picture book.” Greenwillow published the book on October 3, 2017.

Samantha Hunt’s THE DARK DARK was reviewed in The New Yorker’s “Briefly Noted” section this week, where they write of it: “Each of the stories in this collection harbors a surreal twist… Hunt lingers over such moments just long enough to suggest that the phantasmagorical can be found in any situation, no matter how banal.” Farrar, Straus & Giroux will publish the book on July 18, 2017.