News in March 2023
News in March 2023

Scientific American released a great review for Jaroslav Kalfar’s next novel, A BRIEF HISTORY OF LIVING FOREVER. Amy Brady writes: “Kalfar turns an ambitious premise (a person whose body has expired but whose consciousness lives on) into a moving, frightening story about the strength of family bonds.” Little, Brown and Company will publish the novel on March 28, 2023.

Erica Berry’s WOLFISH has continued to receive critical acclaim following its publication. The Washington Post published a fantastic review of the book, with reviewer Maggie Lange praising: “Terror propels Erica Berry’s exhilarating book, WOLFISH…No matter where Berry weaves, she sniffs out fascinating insights. And she writes about it in clear, beautiful language.” Scientific American offered another strong review, where Amy Brady writes: “Berry is a skillful guide, highlighting the wolf's influence on everything from creation myths to viral memes and from government policies to proverbs.” Debutiful also published an excerpt, alongside praise: “Through this cultural criticism, Berry smashes expectations for what a book can do.” Flatiron Books published WOLFISH in the U.S. on February 21, 2023.

Antonia Angress’ debut novel SIRENS & MUSES is on the American Library Association Rainbow Round Table’s “Top 10 Book List,” which celebrates “titles that exhibit commendable literary quality and significance, authentic LGBTQIA+ content and are recommended for adults over age 18.” Ballantine Books published SIRENS & MUSES on July 12, 2022.