News in April 2016
News in April 2016

James Ponsolt, director of THE END OF THE TOUR, will write and direct a film based on I WANT MY MTV, the acclaimed oral history of the first 10 years of the cable music network by Craig Marks & Rob Tannenbaum. Dutton published the book on October 27, 2011.

“This dazzling hardcover entered the market last week with sweeping photos of the capitol of Catholicism and more than 60 recipes served to the three most recent popes,” reports Debbi Snook in the April 12, 2016 edition of the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Sophia Institute Press published the hardcover on April 5, 2016.

The Globe and Mail has reviewed Craig Davidson’s account of his time as a school bus driver, calling it “an almost singular accomplishment,” and “a pleasure to read.” Random House Canada published the book on April 12, 2016....

Gloria Vanderbilt & Anderson Cooper were interviewed about their book and the HBO documentary “Nothing Left Unsaid” on Charlie Rose. HarperCollins published the book on April 5, 2016.

Maggie Nelson was profiled in the New Yorker by Hilton Als. The Gurdian also wrote about her recent conversations with Wayne Koestenbaum at the New York Public Library. Graywolf will re-published her book THE RED PARTS on April 5, 2016.

Acclaimed sociologist Mitchell Duneier latest book, GHETTO, received a positive review in the New York Times Book Review. The reviewer Khalil Gibran Muhammad called it “a stunningly detailed and timely survey.” The author was also interviewed by Jeffrey Brown for the PBS show Book View Now. Farrar Straus & Giroux will publish the book on April 19. 2016....

The latest novel from Danielle Steel will appear at number 4 on the New York Times Bestseller Hardcover fiction list and number 5 on the Combined Print & E-book Fiction list for the week of April 10, 2016. Delacorte published the book on March 15, 2016.

Nina George’s novel will debut at number 10 on the New York Times Trade Paperback fiction bestseller list for the week of April 10th. The book is also at number 4 on the Indie Bound bestseller list for the week of April 3rd. Broadway released the paperback edition on March 22, 2016.

Ranked eleventh on the New York Times bestsellers hardcover nonfiction list, Padma’s thoughtful and revealing memoir has people talking. Ecco published the hardcover on March 8, 2016.

Gwyneth Paltrow was interviewed for the “By the Book” column in the April 3rd edition of the New York Times Book Review. Her collection of delicious weekday recipes for the super-busy home cook includes more than 125 of her favorite recipes that can be made in the time it would take to order takeout. Grand Central will publish the hardcover on April 12, 2016.

Gloria Vanderbilt was interviewed for the “At Home” column in Sunday Styles section of the New York Times for April 3rd. She was also interviewed with her son & co-author in Vogue. You can see both authors together at the 92nd Street Y on April 14th. Harper will publish the hardcover April 5, 2016....

This celebration of the acclaimed television and radio news program Democracy Now! and the extraordinary movements and heroes who have moved our democracy forward will be published April 12, 2016 by Simon and Schuster....