Posted on May 17, 2024 in

WIVES LIKE US, Plum Sykes’ new novel, is praised on Parade’s list of “The 25 Best New Book Releases” for the week of May 14 – 20 as “wickedly funny,” and Vogue’s “The Best Books of 2024 So Far” as a “delectable delightful mash-up: a loving portrait of a social milieu that recognizes the value of tradition but is also perpetually chasing what’s new.” The book was also featured in Town & Country, where Adam Rathe writes: “In WIVES, Sykes follows the dramatic lives of group of women (as well as their families and staff) who live among a series of villages—Little Bottom, Middle Bottom, Great Bottom, and Monkton Bottom—and keeps a sharp eye trained on the way each sees her social stock rise and fall. It’s certainly a work of fiction (and it’s more of a love letter to the world than anything else), but parts of it did come from the author’s own experiences.” Harper published WIVES LIKE US on May 14, 2024.