Posted on July 26, 2024 in

LIARS by Sarah Manguso received fantastic reviews surrounding its publication this week. For The New York Times Book Review, Brian Dillon writes: "’LIARS is an unflagging and acridly funny assault on [the narrative of a happy marriage], but also a formally canny study of how such tales get told — and how fragile our replacements may turn out." Meanwhile, NPR reviewer Heller McAlpin writes: “[LIARS] is a tour de force, but it is also relentless…Bitterness is never attractive. But good writing is. LIARS makes an old story fresh.” Lastly, Jenessa Abrams reviewed the book for The Los Angeles Review of Books, examining it “in the wake of Andrea Skinner’s revelation about her sexual abuse and her mother Alice Munro’s silence.” Hogarth published LIARS on July 23, 2024.