Posted on March 24, 2023 in

Bomb Magazine published a great conversation between TAKE WHAT YOU NEED author Idra Novey and Azareen Van der Vliet Oloomi. The Pittsburgh Gazette also published an interview with Novey, as well as a review of TAKE WHAT YOU NEED: “Sixty-four year old Jean, protagonist of Johnstown-native Idra Novey’s recent novel, TAKE WHAT YOU NEED, is willing to die in pursuit of transcendence. This will no doubt keep reader’s attention as Ms. Novey’s third novel […] cares deeply about balancing survival and self-actualization… Idra Novey’s TAKE WHAT YOU NEED is sure to lend readers perspective on living life to the fullest and accepting one’s life as valid, summed best in the book’s Louise Bourgeois epigram: ‘Every day you have to abandon your past or accept it, and then if you cannot accept it, you become a sculptor.’” Viking published the novel on March 14, 2023.