Posted on April 28, 2023 in

Eileen Myles was interviewed for Cultured Magazine about A “WORKING LIFE.” Cultured writes: “Eileen Myles is a poet. And not just any poet, but one that has restlessly and playfully continued to reinvent the role of the public intellectual with their eager, polychrome odes to living and bouncy, conversational reading style. Myles's poetry is best understood as an itch—for a sense of home in the world around them—and an expansion of the seemingly banal to the globally relevant. Their newest book of poems, A ‘WORKING LIFE,’ is out this week and speaks to the ‘sweet accumulation’ that makes up a poet's practice and life. CULTURED sat down with the writer…to talk about the importance of a first draft, finding freedom in transit, and essential writing instruments.” Literary Hub also published a craft talk given by Myles at NYU’s MFA Creative Writing Program in February 2023 on “Discovering the Poetic Core of Everyday Life.” Grove Pres published A “WORKING LIFE” on April 18, 2023.
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