Posted on June 30, 2022 in

Carlene Bauer's GIRLS THEY WRITE SONGS ABOUT received a rave review from The New York Times. Molly Young writes: “The evolutionary psychologist and anthropologist Robin Dunbar is fond of the term homophily — ‘love of the same’ — to describe why certain people strike up friendships…The two women of Carlene Bauer’s glittering novel GIRLS THEY WRITE SONGS ABOUT define homophily. Charlotte and Rose are brave and reckless, self-critical and stylish…The novel’s pockets of sentimentality are offset by streaks of viciousness, accurately reflecting how we tend to remember our pasts: happy times bathed in a distorting glow, miserable times diminished and disowned...GIRLS THEY WRITE SONGS ABOUT is a love story about two friends, but it’s also something thornier — a narrative about the cycles of enchantment, disenchantment and re-enchantment that make up a life.” Farrar, Straus and Giroux published the novel on June 21, 2022.
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