Posted on July 29, 2022 in

THE VISITORS by Jessi Jezewska Stevens was included on The Face’s list of “10 Books to Dive Deep Into This Summer,” praised by columnist Anna Cafolla as “an unsettling and oddball novel...both a bold, imaginative play on very recent history and a trenchant prophecy of the terrifying times we’re collectively staring down the barrel of.” In an interview with The Creative Independent, Stevens spoke to the feeling that “the whole book is kind of written at 11” and her proclivity for “writ[ing] psychological fiction,” noting that her fascination as a writer “isn’t exactly interiority and psychology so much as…magic and uncanny experiences that we can’t quite place and those moments where you feel the world is just tilted one to two degrees off of where it should be.” And Other Stories published THE VISITORS on June 7, 2022.