Posted on February 25, 2022 in

Wayne Koestenbaum’s ULTRAMARINE published this week to a stunning review from the Poetry Foundation. Reviewer David Woo writes: “In ULTRAMARINE, the third volume of his ‘trance' diaries, the poet, essayist, painter, queer gadfly, erudite aesthete, and conflicted moralist Wayne Koestenbaum assembles 474 pages of brief thoughts, dreams, and observations… I especially loved his representations of ephemeral cultural phenomena…ULTRAMARINE amply succeeds in animating the reader to move into the sphere of the poet’s otherness.” Koestenbaum also sat down for an in-depth interview with Tony Leuzzi of The Brooklyn Rail to discuss ULTRAMARINE, which Leuzzi calls “enthrall[ing] and “brim[ming] with quotable moments.” Nightboat Books published the book on February 22, 2022.
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