Posted on February 25, 2022 in

LOVE IN THE TIME OF CONTAGION by Laura Kipnis received a starred review from Booklist. Reviewer Carol Haggas writes: “By tapping into the Zoom-fueled zeitgeist, Kipnis brings an ironic perspective to this most intimate of subjects. Disarmingly honest, voyeuristically campy, Kipnis’ discussion of COVID-19-influenced coupledom is both witty and wise.” The New York Times also featured the book on a list of Editor’s Choice must-reads: “In her latest book, the critic, polemicist and professor Kipnis examines the state of romance in stuffy enclosures during the days of Covid…The book is ‘perfectly equidistant between riff and investigation,’ our critic Molly Young writes. ‘Kipnis launches provocations with the frequency of a tennis ball machine.’” Pantheon published the book on February 8, 2022.
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