Posted on December 16, 2022 in

Lit Hub included STRANGERS TO OURSELVES by Rachel Aviv in its roundup of the Best Book Covers of 2022. Alison Forner calls it “[s]uch a simple design, yet so incredibly unnerving – it’s a design you can almost hear,” Mark Abrams praises it as “elegant,” and Jamie Stafford-Hill calls it “[d]eceptively simple, really effective.” STRANGERS TO OURSELVES was also named a best book of the year by Bookforum, where Lynne Tillman raves: "STRANGERS TO OURSELVES is an important contribution to contemporary thought about mental illness and the psychiatrization of everyday life. Through the stories, case histories, of others, Aviv examines how they came to be identified by their 'illnesses,' and how their illnesses told their stories and not them. The book asks readers to be skeptical of professional 'mind-readers' and diagnoses that threaten to control a person’s life.” Farrar, Straus and Giroux published the book on September 13, 2022.
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