Posted on April 29, 2022 in

SIRENS & MUSES, Antonia Angress’ forthcoming debut novel, received warm early praise from Electric Lit and Kirkus Reviews. Electric Lit included the novel on its listicle of “The Most Anticipated LGBTQ+ Books for Summer 2022” alongside a glowing review, which reads: “Donna Tartt’s THE SECRET HISTORY meets Meg Wolitzer’s THE INTERESTINGS in this entrancing portrait of three young artists who meet at an elite college at the height of the Occupy movement. Angress so deftly portrays the splendor and squalor of trying to create something great in the face of rampant capitalism, of love and lust in the face of tooth-and-claw competition.” Meanwhile, Kirkus’ review praises the novel as “an intriguing exploration of art and wealth spearheaded by messy, engrossing characters,” adding: “[SIRENS & MUSES] does an admirable job of parsing such difficult issues as the role of capitalism in art, and references to events such as the Occupy movement give the novel real-world context. The main characters have believable flaws and nuances, and the narrative is adept at interrogating the power imbalances in both the characters’ personal relationships and in an art world rife with sexism and classism.” Ballantine Books will publish the novel on July 12, 2022.