Posted on March 19, 2021 in

Gabriela Garcia’s debut novel OF WOMEN AND SALT has been chosen by BuzzFeed as its April Book Club Pick. They write: “In breathtaking prose and evocative imagery, Garcia allows the reader to travel through history alongside these complicated, resilient women as they navigate a legacy of trauma.” BuzzFeed also featured an excerpt from the novel’s first two chapters, and coordinated with and Lucky No. Candles to sponsor a giveaway of a signed copy. Garcia also sat down for interviews with People en Español and, and the book received an excellent review from Bitch, who called it “a testament to the urgency of rendering migrant mothers who are more than we think they are—more than self-sacrificial heroes; more than humble workers; more than ghostly figures stuck in a nostalgic past; more than broken women who leave us with an inheritance of loss.” Flatiron Books will publish OF WOMEN AND SALT on March 30, 2021.
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