Posted on February 26, 2021 in

THE PROPHETS by Robert Jones Jr. is featured on Marie Clare’s list of "35 Must-Read 2021 Book Releases by Black Authors," which refers to the book as “[a] devastating and beautifully written novel.” Jones Jr. was also interviewed by Watermark, as well as the Chatter on Books and KSCJ-AM/FM Having Read That podcasts. Chatter on Books praises this “fabulous debut novel,” noting that author “Marlon James called it ‘Epic in its scale, intimate in its force, and lyrical in its beauty.’” Lastly, the novel was recommended by SURVIVING THE WHITE GAZE author Rebecca Carroll on The Maris Review podcast. She calls the book “one in a thousand,” with writing that is “lyrical and beautiful.” G.P. Putnam’s Sons published the book on January 5, 2021.
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