Posted on October 23, 2020 in

An array of publications have celebrated the recent release of Wally Koval’s ACCIDENTALLY WES ANDERSON. Entertainment Weekly calls it a “visually appealing, wanderlust fulfilling photo book,” and E! Online "a visual feast that will fully ignite your wanderlust." Publishers Weekly praised its "vibrant color composition, both joyful and surreal...breathtaking, witty, and happily ambitious, a perfect diversion for film fans and globe trotters alike." Kirkus declared the book "a charming, whimsical tribute to the Anderson aesthetic," while The New York Times writes: "In this time of quarantine, the lush book, with the photos clustered geographically, reads even more strongly as a wish list.” Lastly, a feature on The Cut showcased a selection of the book’s “perfectly centered, pastel quirky sites — or places replicating Wes Anderson’s cinematic aesthetic.” Voracious published ACCIDENTALLY WES ANDERSON on October 20, 2020.
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