Posted on May 29, 2019 in

IN WEST MILLS, De’Shawn Charles Winslow debut novel, was featured in the New York Times’ Summer Book Preview: 4 Writers to Watch. Writes The New York Times: "In the book, which spans the 1940s to the 1980s, a woman in North Carolina named Azalea 'Knot' Centre battles alcoholism, various estrangements and her fraught romantic relationships with men. One platonic friend, a married man named Otis Lee Loving, stands by her throughout her hard times. " Entertainment Weekly highlighted debut author De'Shawn Charles Winslow in their Meet the Future of Books feature, where they invited "The summer's hottest debut authors to discuss all things literary." Winslow is the author of In West Mills, a novel about a woman named Knot who refuses to live her life based on societal norms. Bloomsbury will publish the book June 4, 2019.
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