Posted on March 24, 2015 in

Maggie Nelson’s THE ARGONAUTS received a starred review in Publishers Weekly, which said, “In a fast-shifting terrain of ‘homonormativity,’ Nelson…plows ahead with a disarmingly blushing work about trying to simultaneously embrace her identity, her marriage with nomadic transgender filmmaker Harry, and motherhood. Nelson writes in fine, fragmented exhalations, inserting quotes from numerous theorists as she goes. Her narrative is an honest, joyous affirmation of one happily unconventional family finding itself.”
The book was also was excerpted in the April issue of Harpers, titled “In The Pain Cavern,” and Nelson was interviewed by Ariel Lewiton in Guernica, called “Inflections Forever New.” Graywolf publishes the book on May 5, 2015. Please follow the link for more information:…